





王舜瑶,上海大学环境污染与健康研究所副研究员,硕士生导师。2021年于加拿大多伦多大学获得博士学位。同年在多伦多大学从事博士后研究,并于上海交通大学访问交流。2022年加入biwn必赢。研究方向主要为大气复合污染溯源、二次转化过程、环境健康效应以及相关减污降碳技术的应用与评估。目前在Chemical Reviews, PNAS, Environ. Sci. Technol., Atmos. Chem. Phys. 等国际知名杂志发表SCI论文近30篇(中科院一区论文16篇)。


2024.07—2024.09 英国帝国理工 公共卫生学院 访问学者

2023.01—至今 上海大学 biwn必赢 副研究员

2022.02—2022.12 上海大学 biwn必赢 特聘副研究员

2021.07—2022.01 上海交通大学 环境科学与工程学院 访问学者

2021.06—2022.01 加拿大多伦多大学 化学工程与应用化学 博士后

2018.05—2018.07 美国哥伦比亚大学 化学工程学院 访问学者

2016.09—2021.06 加拿大多伦多大学 化学工程与应用化学 博士

2015.06—2015.09 美国加州大学戴维斯分校 环境工程系 访问

2012.09—2016.06 浙江大学 资源科学系 学士






1. Shunyao, Wang, Yue Zhao*, Arthur WH Chan*, Min Yao, Zhongming Chen, and Jonathan PD Abbatt. Organic Peroxides in Aerosol: Key Reactive Intermediates for Multiphase Processes in the Atmosphere. Chemical Reviews 123, 1635-1679, 2023.

2. Shunyao Wang, Peter J. Gallimore, Carolyne Liu-Kang, Kirsten Yeung, Steven J Campbell, Battist Utinger, Tengyu Liu, Hui Peng, Markus Kalberer, Arthur WH Chan*, Jonathan PD Abbatt*. Dynamic Wood Smoke Aerosol Toxicity during Oxidative Atmospheric Aging. Environmental Science & Technology 57, 1246-1256, 2023.

3. Jiajun Han1, Shunyao Wang1, Kirsten Yeung, Diwen Yang, Wen Gu, Zhiyuan Ma, Jianxian Sun, Xiaoming Wang, Chung-Wai Chow, Arthur WH Chan*, Hui Peng*. Proteome-wide Effects of Naphthalene-derived Secondary Organic Aerosol in BEAS-2B Cells are Caused by Short-lived Unsaturated Carbonyls. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 25386-25395, 2020. [Co-first author]

4. Shunyao Wang, Tengyu Liu, Jinmyung Jang, Jonathan PD Abbatt and Arthur WH Chan*. Heterogeneous Interactions between SO2 and Organic Peroxides in Submicron Aerosol. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 21, 6647-6661, 2021. [Highlighted article]

5. Shunyao Wang, Shouming Zhou, Ye Tao, William G. Tsui, Jianhuai Ye, Jian Zhen Yu, Jennifer G. Murphy, V. Faye McNeill, Jonathan PD Abbatt, and Arthur WH Chan*. Organic Peroxides and Sulfur Dioxide in Aerosol: Source of Particulate Sulfate. Environmental Science & Technology 53, 10695-10704, 2019.

6. Shunyao Wang, Jianhuai Ye, Ronald Soong, Bing Wu, Legeng Yu, Andre Simpson, and Arthur WH Chan*. Relationship between Chemical Composition and Oxidative Potential of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 18, 6, 3987-4003, 2018.

7. Fan Fan, Yi Feng, Jialiang Feng, Ming Hu, Jianhuai Ye, Mi Tian, Jia Chen, Shunyao Wang*, and Qingyan Fu*. Molecular Tracer Characterization during COVID-19 Pandemic in Shanghai: Changes in the Aerosol Aqueous Environment and Implications for Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 6, 12, 2812-2825, 2022.

8. Shunyao Wang*, Xi Zhang, Kaisen Lin, Guanwen HUANG, Yue Zhao, Hin Chu*, and Arthur WH Chan. Impact of Secondary Organic Aerosol on the Respiratory Viral Infection in Vitro. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 11, 566–572, 2024.

9. Fang, Kun, Lan Hong, Yiran Zhang, Nan Cao, Jialiang Feng, Ming Hu, Qingyan Fu,

Yang Zheng, Qundi Yang, Yuzhuo Wang, Jinyitao Wang, Shunyao Wang*, Xin Cheng*, Qiang Dong. Hourly Effect of Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen Species on the Onset of Acute Ischemic Stroke: Insight from the Shanghai Stroke Service System Database. Science of The Total Environment, 174896, 2024.

10. Shunyao Wang, Tianchen Qin, Ran Tu*, Tianyuan Li, Gang Chen, David C. Green, Xin Zhang, Jialiang Feng, Haobing Liu, Ming Hu, and Qingyan Fu*. Indoor Air Quality in Subway Microenvironments: Pollutant Characteristics, Adverse Health Impacts, and Population Inequity. Environment International 108873, 2024.


Royal Society International Collaboration Travel Grant, UK, 2024-2026

典型复合污染条件下人为源有机气溶胶大气老化过程健康效应机理研究, 上海市浦江人才资助项目,2022-2024,主持

餐饮排放二次有机气溶胶与二氧化硫非均相反应及有机硫酸酯的生成, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2023-2025,主持



多伦多大学Student Discovery Award

多伦多大学Center of Global Science Research Award



本科生课程:《Information Management for Decision-making, Climate, and Circular Economy》


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